"A Unicorn in grande please" seems like an appropriate post-exam order. #tgio #done #butonlyfornow #earlyweekend #longweekend #tired ##treat
Easter Sunday or Christmas morning? #sNOw #easter2017 #easter #easterweekend #springinyyc #yyc #yycliving
Looks like it's clearing up. Ah, nope, joke. #sNOw #easter #easterweekend #notsunnyinsunnyside #springinyyc #yyc #yycspring #yycliving
Minimalist Easter decoration. Years ago my mom gave me the Easter eggs I painted with her when I was little. Now they're permantly living in a glass jar from IKEA because they're too fragile. Happy Easter! #happyeaster #childhoodmemories #childhood #painting #eastereggs
Soundtrack of my day. Arrived a few days ago and finally I got enough time to fully listen to it. #depechemode #spirit #stillmyfavourite